Preserve Your Legacy

Capture cherished stories and voices to keep memories alive for generations to come.

Our Process

Preserving memories through heartfelt video recordings of loved ones.

black flat screen computer monitor
black flat screen computer monitor
Step One

Schedule a recording session with us.

man in black t-shirt holding black umbrella
man in black t-shirt holding black umbrella
camera studio set up
camera studio set up
black framed eyeglasses on top of white printing paper
black framed eyeglasses on top of white printing paper
Step Three

Video or Audio only?

Some may want video while others may only want audio recordings. You can choose what format fits you best.

Choose your location:

This can be somewhere at home, a family camp, outside in a favorite spot. Anywhere you will be comfortable without too much background noise. We can discuss best options to be sure your messages come through loud and clear.

Step Two
Step Four

Choose your questions and plan any personal messages.

If you would like to do the interview style format, you can choose from our list of questions or bring your own. We can use some of each. Whatever works best. If you prefer to just record personalized messages to family or specific family members, we can incorporate those as well or just record those.

How It Works at Legacy Tapes

Reach out to preserve your loved ones' voices and stories.